
Prepaid Legal - A Critical Review Of The Opportunity

There is a lot of discussion about Prepaid Legal Services. I was recruited by Prepaid Legal, but I did not join. Since I run a different MLM company, but have some comprehension because of my contact with Prepaid, I decided to try & help those of you who have concerns. Checking Google Adwords reveals there is still quite a bit of interest in this opportunity, even though they've been an established company for almost 30 years.I'll share with Nail Brush you my personal insight on the experience that I had with Prepaid Legal Services. Back when I got introduced to my current network marketing company, I'd done due diligence on several companies. I had been pursued by Amway, Prepaid Legal, MonaVie & Young Living among other biz opps, before I finally chose my existing MLM.My experience with Prepaid was not bad, but was enlightening as a result of the wisdom I've gained since that time. Many people have made reference to a Prepaid Legal Services scam. As a result of that I took a look the BBB report, and uncovered 244 complaints in the past 36 months. They have averaged around 1.5 million signups per year recently. Out of 4.5 million signups, 244 seems to be a quite small number.On a percentage basis that's about .000005 percent of new customers witha situation awful enough to file a complaint. That's a quite low percentage for any kind of organization, and Prepaid Legal Services does hold on to an A+ rating with the BBB. Don't forget you pay to be part of the BBB, but Prepaid is actually making an honest try at resolving the complaints they have.I did spot a high percentage of the complaints were regarding billing, contract or refund situations, so make sure you take a look at the fine print. With that said, the percentage of complaints is still very low.Why did I not join & what did I learn about the company? I saw a company that did sell a useful service or product. It looked like a product I would have used the last couple of years, if I'd been a member. The price to join was nominal. In my surfing online, I found many pages and searches, which indicated they are getting exposure for their name out there. Whether good or bad, there was at least some buzz.They have an Alexa ranking of about 14,000 when last I looked, which is great very good. The whole concept just didn't really seem like anything to get worked up over. When looking to see if they were in line with my core values, I just didn't get any indication of much in the way of values with the company.The real deciding factor though for me, was the way the rep presented to me. I'll give the gentleman credit, he was very personable. He was friendly, helpful & most importantly, he was honest regarding the business and the results he was getting. He could have benefited from some of the training I've been blessed with to get my business off to the right start. He had a very hot lead with me, because I continued checking out plans and ended up signing up for my current primary MLM. After I contacted and talked with him, I never got a follow up call. This gentleman had all my contact info and neglected follow up to build a relationship with me, and did not attempt Iphone 4s Battery to close the sale. This tells me his training was probably lacking.I suppose maybe he had enough leads that he did not have time, but I did not get that impression from talking to him. I also discovered him on Craigslist, which in my initial network marketing proved to be somewhat of a waste for the time invested. Craigslist is great, and I use them for some personal selling. However, they haven't been a great supply of qualified leads for MLM, personally.I hope this assists you a little to wade through the hype and negativity surrounding the company. If you are thinking about getting involved with Prepaid Legal or are already, make sure you get the right training. There are some phenomenal methods of getting qualified leads using the internet for your Prepaid Legal business. However, you must also have the right skills to take advantage of those leads.

